Front Sight Focus
Posted by Troy Eberling on 3/12/2015 to
Tactical Tips
you been at the range and had an instructor, friend, relative, or acquaintance
tell you “focus on the front sight”? I know I have. I’m sure you, and others
like you, have. It is a common phrase parroted by the experts and mimicked by
the knowledgeable, as well as the uninformed. But what does it really mean?
(12) Comments
Trigger Press
Posted by Troy Eberling on 5/7/2014 to
Tactical Tips
For those of us that live in the gun world, we often hear terms over and over. Or the experts give advice that often makes sense, but we might not fully understand it; information that might be antiquated, or doesn’t fit our body type. Sometimes this guidance can cause us to not reach our full potential when we shoot due to “not doing it right.”
Warning Shots
Posted by Brad Fisher on 10/31/2013 to
Tactical Tips
On October 19, at 9:20pm, a 35 year old Virginian mother fired a single round into the air to scare away a group of boys, one of which was attacking her daughter. Now, it is early in this case and the facts are still coming out, and changing. However, this is a good case to dissect and talk about warning shots.
Defensive Range Drills
Posted by Brad Fisher on 10/10/2013 to
Tactical Tips
Let’s admit it.
Ammo is expensive. High cost
makes going to the range less appetizing.
At the same time, it’s critical that anyone that carries a firearm or
has a home defense firearm, practice with that weapon. The last thing you want to do is fumble with
a firearm when your adrenaline is pumping and your life is on the line.
Avoid, Retreat, WIN: Lessons learned from the George Zimmerman Case.
Posted by Brad Fisher on 9/30/2013 to
Tactical Tips
As the George Zimmerman case fades away, there is a lesson that everyone who carries a firearm should not forget. The decision to pull the trigger will change your life forever. It is your responsibility as a gun owner to ensure that the decision to take someone’s life is the absolute last resort.
Six Pounds of Pressure
Posted by Brad Fisher on 4/8/2012 to
Tactical Tips
Six pounds of pressure. Thats all it takes to pull the trigger on an M-240, a fully automatic machine gun. Six pounds. It feels like a million pounds with a life sitting in your crosshairs.
It was around two in the afternoon, and the Lieutenant was inside the tan school, talking to unimportant people about peace none of them had any control over. While the Lieutenant sat inside the air-conditioned building sipping on tea, the rest of us were melting under the august sun. It was so hot, the roof of the Humvee felt like a grill. All I needed was some hamburger and a spatula, and I could have started my own roach coach. But the only meat around was strung up lamb, but thats another story.